fitxa de l'element

Food for you!


Laura Andradas, Myriam Garcia i Montserrat Gómez
Laura Andradas, Myriam Garcia i Montserrat Gómez
Natàlia Maldonado


31 de març de 2011

ANG [8]

ESO.1 [4] ESO.2 [4]

Eines TIC Gestió d'informació Imatge, so i vídeo


In this unit students will learn about food from different perspectives. They will discover food groups, food pyramids and nutrients. They will also learn about healthy and unhealthy
diets and how to calculate RDAs and calories. Finally, they will look at the world to compare food traditions and religious influence on diets. And they will design and prepare a recipe!
This unit was developed by Student-Teachers in the Teacher-Training Master’s Degree, English Branch, run by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) in the 2009-2010 academic year, under the guidance and supervision of their school mentors and university tutors.

Eixos de capacitats / Competències

Àrees / Matèries


Materials de l'element

Documents per al professorat

Documents per a l'alumnat