fitxa de l'element

Thermal dilatation-CLIL


Mª Roser Nebot Castelló
Mª Roser Nebot Castelló
Silvia Lope


12 de maig de 2020

Aquest element
pertany a l'itinerari:

Heat, temperature and animal adaptations-CLIL

BG [2] FQ [2]

ESO.1 [2] ESO.2 [2]

Comunicació escrita Comunicació oral Fonts primàries


Thermal dilatation of solids, liquids and gasses is studied trough a series of practical activities. To interpret the observations there are pervious exercices to work on the kinetic molecular theory and the characteristic of potential and kinetic energy.
It can be done separately or as the first part of an itinerary called: Heat, temperature and animal adaptations.

Eixos de capacitats / Competències

Àrees / Matèries


Materials de l'element

Documents per al professorat

Documents per a l'alumnat