fitxa de l'element
Education for Health
This is a CLIL unit designed to be developed in the Science class by pupils from the 5th and 6th grade of Primary Education.
This project helps students to develop awareness of the possible dangers for our health. It also develops safe reflective behaviour to avoid accidents.
This project helps students to teach the concept of drugs and how they affect the nervous system.
This material was developed by Carme Boira Cuello in a paid study leave of the Catalan Department of Education, run by the University of Nottingham in the 2006-2007 academic year.
Eixos de capacitats / Competències
+ Educació PrimàriaComunicació lingüística i audiovisual
+ Educació PrimàriaConeixement i interacció amb el món físic
Àrees / Matèries
Materials de l'element