fitxa de l'element

Matters and mixture


Joan Carles Mas Montosa
Joan Carles Mas Montosa
Elisa Garrigosa


8 de juliol de 2020

MEDI [1] ANG [1]

EP.CS [2]



In this project, students will develop some experiments in groups, in order to discover properties related to different substances. We are studying mixtures and useful techniques needed to separate different substances. Later, students will learn science theoretical concepts, but through dynamic learning structures and cooperation based activities. The fostering of speaking, reading and writing have been taken into account, as well as the Cummins matrix learning process. This project is a result of a GEP1 programme.

Eixos de capacitats / Competències

Àrees / Matèries

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Materials de l'element

Documents per al professorat