fitxa de l'itinerari

Bridging the Gap


José Luis Garcia Belderrain [et al.]
José Luis Garcia Belderrain [et al.]
Montserrat Irun


17 de març de 2020

ANG [8]

EP.CS [3] ESO.1 [5]

Comunicació escrita Comunicació oral Eines TIC Exercitació lingüística


Bridging the Gap consists of twelve online units. One of the main advantages of the material is the open character that new technologies bring about. The units take profit from the variety and possibilities of resources that the Internet offers to allow a more personalised attention to students’ diversity and interests. A diagnosis may be carried out at the beginning of each unit by means of an online test. It can help students to see how to face the contents of the particular unit.
Link to the materials:

Eixos de capacitats / Competències

Àrees / Matèries

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